If you manage a personal blog about you, it will be easier for you to create the article. You can write a daily occurrence, or interesting event that you just experienced, all your own. personal blogs originality is very high. Because not in count of 100 people out there experiencing the same thing with you.
Enrich with pictures.
Image of a picture or video was absolutely necessary to attract attention. people would love to see what you experienced through the visual comparison read the text. But also consider the speed of loading pages. Do not add to many pictures or videos. That could slower your blog loading. Remember, readers hate to wait.
Set widget
Most managers put a personal blog widget arbitrarily. They put anything they want. Shouldn’t you pay a little attention to the convenience of your reader? if readers do not feel comfortable with your blog, then they will immediately leave your blog. Arrange for widget use wisely. Consider the composition, placement, and loading pages.
Use a style that is fun
Use a style that is fun for readers to enjoy what you feel. Make it as though you're communicating with your friends. Do not use language that is too standard. Instead use a fun language.
Do not publish articles that do not deserve
Please keep in mind, never to publish content that could hurt someone, content that is offensive to somebody, or any content that contains a lot of cursing.
You will never know your readers. Could be they are a scholar, or perhaps just an elementary school student. So avoid using words that are too violent or too vulgar. If you do use these words, put the policy rules on age limits and warnings.
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